Tag Archives: Natural Beuaty

Patyka, What It Means To Feel Beautiful

Patyka is a Parisienne beauty care brand that is not just delicious for what is between the covers, but also has put much care into its packaging as well. Unwrapping the Absolis Patyka Neroli Brightening body lotion is like unwrapping origami.

Not only do you find the treasure of the smooth-smelling EcoCert, CosmeBio, Leaping Bunny certified lotion inside the package, you are also welcomed with a message announcing that you have just unwrapped a “tree-free” box that is made from sugar cane residue, flax and hemp. Their philosophy?

Because nothing is lost and everything is transformed. – Patyka

But back to the EcoBeauty products themselves that Patyka calls “beauté remarquable” a phrase they’ve trademarked.

It translates to “Remarkable Beauty” and is encapsulated by not just an ingredients list but also a philosophy that emphasizes every bit a woman’s feelings of inner beauty. The Patyka manifesto:

My beauty is a work of art…My well being stems from an approach that rids me of any complexes and respects me and my environment…Modern, responsible, active and demanding – my beauty bears testimony to the fact that an effective and intelligent cosmetic solution exists…

Each product, as well as their line of perfumes, is carefully crafted and blended with an apothecarist’s wisdom.  Case in point: Neroli body lotion is a blend of Neroli and Sesame: Neroli soothes, tones and restores elasticity and is tolerated by most skin types. Sesame is rich in Omegas 3 and 6. Sesame oil is easily absorbed by the skin and takes with it all of the active properties of the substances it is blended with. It also restructures the skin tissue.

NoPeg Natural Beauty Care Shop, 75002 Paris

You can find Patyka products at NoPeg in Paris, a delightful natural beauty products shop that also offers day spa pampering such as foot massages and facials.

Patyka is available at U.S. boutiques and online for global customers.


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Greening Beauty – Cliff Notes

Need a Quick Course on Green Beauty or looking to Green Your Beauty Regime? Look no further, Greening Beauty has the basics when it comes to the homework you’ll want to do before you throw out all your old beauty products and replace them with new, paraben-free, green and clean products. [We’re not recommending you do this all at once, mind you. Unless, of course, you’re an heiress…]!

  • A Scientific Treatise on why many over the counter cosmetics are poisoning you slowly and mostly through osmosis…

Of course, we can’t forget what you put ON your body… So why not make it Green FASHION!! This video is from New York Fashion Week…February 2010…

Can’t see the VIDEO? CLICK HERE>>>>

For all you Shopaholics…Summer has sourced the products for you and has already “been there, done that!”

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